Oil on canvas:

Ink and charcoal collages:

Ink drawings:

Night Garden artworks
This series consist of | Lijst van kunstwerken binnen deze serie:
- “Nachttuintroost”/”Night Garden consolation”, oil painting on canvas, 90x125cm (not finished yet)
- 5 oil paintings on canvas, 30x55cm
- 15 ink/charcoal collages (7x A2 and 8x A3 size)
- 27 ink on paper drawings (A4)

Night Garden emerging
Dahlias brought me back to life after losing my mum in the spring of 2024. But at first I didn’t want anything to do with the sun and painting with colours. So within a few weeks a Night Garden emerged from the shadows of loss…
Immediately after I finished the first black and white collage on top of an ink drawing I was like ‘WHY didn’t I think of this before?’ It combines two of my favourite and most authentic practices and yet this is the first time I put them together like this. Maybe things do take time or maybe this is what they call your blind spot, I’m still not sure. But I am so happy I finally did put them together because right after I made the first Night Garden collage I felt in my heart: this is something very new and still very much me. It was exhilarating! How many times in your art journey do you find something that feels so new and fresh that’s still very much you at the same time? It opens new art roads to travel and frankly, that was exactly what I was looking for in the first place. So I don’t think I can ever articulate how grateful I am for those dahlias in that border in that garden in that summer of 2024. They brought me back to life for real.